Will the Government Treat Me Fairly Under Eminent Domain Laws?

As a private property owner in Texas, you are entitled to fair compensation under federal and state eminent domain laws. Learn more about your legal rights and options during the commendation process today by contacting a skilled eminent domain lawyer.

Can You Refuse Eminent Domain in Alabama?

Property owners in Alabama have options when facing eminent domain action, like challenging the public purpose of the project or negotiating fairer compensation. Discuss the details of your situation with a dedicated and skilled condemnation lawyer today.

Exploring Eminent Domain: Can Your Land Be Taken Without Consent?

Eminent domain attorneys discussing legal matters | Sewell Sewell Beard LLC

While private property owners enjoy several legal rights, a government entity can invoke its eminent domain power in certain situations to take your land. Learn more about your rights as a property owner during the condemnation process by speaking with an attorney today.