Challenging Eminent Domain: Legal Rights for Property Owners

Property owners facing condemnation have the right to challenge eminent domain proceedings for a number of reasons. Discuss your legal options with a highly qualified Texas or Alabama condemnation attorney today to learn more.
Navigating Emerging Trends in Eminent Domain in Alabama and Texas

Property owners in Alabama and Texas who are facing condemnation have several legal rights and options. Talk to a highly qualified condemnation lawyer today to learn more about how to exercise your rights at every opportunity.
Notice Periods for Property Owners Facing Condemnation in Texas

If a government entity is invoking its eminent domain power in Texas, it must provide you with ample notice of upcoming condemnation proceedings that will impact your private property. Discuss your options with a trusted and highly qualified Texas condemnation lawyer to learn more.
Can Eminent Domain Address the Urban Foreclosure Crisis?

Although eminent domain may be useful in addressing the urban foreclosure crisis, states like Alabama and Texas have taken steps to restrict such actions that seize private property from individuals to develop affordable housing options.